A big shout out to all the students in the Raleigh Security CCIE bootcamp last week. I had a blast! Thank you for all your hard work, as well as the after hours discussions about the unknown, and why people feel they know it.
I promised a few blog posts related to security over the next few weeks, and this one is regarding Certificate-based ACLs.
This blog may also serve as a review on how to configure the CA clients so that their certificates contain various fields and values, such as subject-name.
Let’s use this diagram for the backdrop of our discussion:
R2 will be the NTP and CA server with R1 and R3 as IPSec VPN peers. (Remember, with certificates we really do need time to be on “our side”).
R1′s configuration for the trustpoint is as follows:
The match-criteria is one of the following :
eq—equal (valid for name and date fields)
ne—not equal (valid for name and date fields)
co—contains (valid only for name fields)
nc—does not contain (valid only for name fields)
lt—less than (valid only for date fields)
ge—greater than or equal (valid only for date fields)
To begin, lets look at what is in R1′s certificate.
If we change the Certificate Map to look for for the string R9 (which won’t match inside of R1′s certificate) and then test the VPN connection, we can see the debug messages and the certificate error:
I promised a few blog posts related to security over the next few weeks, and this one is regarding Certificate-based ACLs.
This blog may also serve as a review on how to configure the CA clients so that their certificates contain various fields and values, such as subject-name.
Let’s use this diagram for the backdrop of our discussion:
R2 will be the NTP and CA server with R1 and R3 as IPSec VPN peers. (Remember, with certificates we really do need time to be on “our side”).
R1′s configuration for the trustpoint is as follows:
crypto pki trustpoint R2 enrollment url serial-number ip-address subject-name cn=R1,ou=ccsp,o=ine,st=NV,c=US revocation-check noneR3′s configuration for the trustpoint is here:
crypto pki trustpoint R2 enrollment url serial-number ip-address subject-name cn=R3,ou=ccie,o=ine,st=NV,c=US revocation-check noneThe problem, is that any device that has a valid certificate from R2, would be able to authenticate with R1 and R3 (from a CA perspective regarding certificates). If R3 wanted to limit the peers it would authenticate with, we can use a certificate map, which acts as Certificate based Access Control. A certificate map looks for specific fields from the peers certificate, and values for those fields (specified by the certificate map). The router will only accept a certificate from a peer if the certificate map specified fields/values from the would-be peer’s certificate match, and if they don’t match, then the IKE phase 1 won’t complete. We could match several fields from the peers certificate. The field-name is one of the following case-insensitive name strings or a date:
The match-criteria is one of the following :
To begin, lets look at what is in R1′s certificate.
R1#show crypto pki certificates
Status: Available
Certificate Serial Number: 0x2
Certificate Usage: General Purpose
Name: R1.ine.com
IP Address:
Serial Number: XXXXXXXXXXX
Validity Date:
start date: 14:05:12 PDT Jun 15 2010
end date: 14:05:12 PDT Jun 15 2011
Associated Trustpoints: R2
We have several choices, but let’s select the cn field in our example. On R3, we will create a certificate map, that is looking for the subject-name to contain the value of “R1″. The certificate map is inserted into the PKI trustpoint configuration.R3:
crypto pki certificate map CERT-MAP 1
subject-name co R1
crypto pki trustpoint R2 match certificate CERT-MAP exitWith this in place, the IKE phase 1 works, and encrypted traffic flows between the peers.
If we change the Certificate Map to look for for the string R9 (which won’t match inside of R1′s certificate) and then test the VPN connection, we can see the debug messages and the certificate error:
R3(config)#crypto pki certificate map CERT-MAP 1 R3(ca-certificate-map)#no subject-name co r1 R3(ca-certificate-map)# subject-name co r9
R3#debug crypto isakmp Crypto ISAKMP debugging is on R3#clear crypto sa R3#clear crypto isakmp R3#ping so lo 0 re 1 Type escape sequence to abort. Sending 1, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds: Packet sent with a source address of IPSEC(sa_request): , (key eng. msg.) OUTBOUND local=, remote=, local_proxy= (type=1), remote_proxy= (type=1), protocol= ESP, transform= esp-aes esp-sha-hmac (Tunnel), lifedur= 3600s and 4608000kb, spi= 0x0(0), conn_id= 0, keysize= 128, flags= 0x0 ISAKMP:(0): SA request profile is (NULL) ISAKMP: Created a peer struct for, peer port 500 ISAKMP: New peer created peer = 0x66031B38 peer_handle = 0x80000009 ISAKMP: Locking peer struct 0x66031B38, refcount 1 for isakmp_initiator ISAKMP: local port 500, remote port 500 ISAKMP: set new node 0 to QM_IDLE ISAKMP: Find a dup sa in the avl tree during calling isadb_insert sa = 66033338 ISAKMP:(0):Can not start Aggressive mode, trying Main mode. ISAKMP:(0):No pre-shared key with! ISAKMP:(0): constructed NAT-T vendor-rfc3947 ID ISAKMP:(0): constructed NAT-T vendor-07 ID ISAKMP:(0): constructed NAT-T vendor-03 ID ISAKMP:(0): constructed NAT-T vendor-02 ID ISAKMP:(0):Input = IKE_MESG_FROM_IPSEC, IKE_SA_REQ_MM ISAKMP:(0):Old State = IKE_READY New State = IKE_I_MM1 ISAKMP:(0): beginning Main Mode exchange ISAKMP:(0): sending packet to my_port 500 peer_port 500 (I) MM_NO_STATE ISAKMP:(0):Sending an IKE IPv4 Packet. ISAKMP (0:0): received packet from dport 500 sport 500 Global (I) MM_NO_STATE ISAKMP:(0):Input = IKE_MESG_FROM_PEER, IKE_MM_EXCH ISAKMP:(0):Old State = IKE_I_MM1 New State = IKE_I_MM2 ISAKMP:(0): processing SA payload. message ID = 0 ISAKMP:(0): processing vendor id payload ISAKMP:(0): vendor ID seems Unity/DPD but major 69 mismat. Success rate is 0 percent (0/1) R3#ch ISAKMP (0:0): vendor ID is NAT-T RFC 3947 ISAKMP : Scanning profiles for xauth ... ISAKMP:(0):Checking ISAKMP transform 1 against priority 65535 policy ISAKMP: encryption DES-CBC ISAKMP: hash SHA ISAKMP: default group 1 ISAKMP: auth RSA sig ISAKMP: life type in seconds ISAKMP: life duration (VPI) of 0x0 0x1 0x51 0x80 ISAKMP:(0):atts are acceptable. Next payload is 0 ISAKMP:(0):Acceptable atts:actual life: 0 ISAKMP:(0):Acceptable atts:life: 0 %CRYPTO-4-IKE_DEFAULT_POLICY_ACCEPTED: IKE default policy was matched and is being used. ISAKMP:(0):Fill atts in sa vpi_length:4 ISAKMP:(0):Fill atts in sa life_in_seconds:86400 ISAKMP:(0):Returning Actual lifetime: 86400 ISAKMP:(0)::Started lifetime timer: 86400. ISAKMP:(0): processing vendor id payload ISAKMP:(0): vendor ID seems Unity/DPD but major 69 mismatch ISAKMP (0:0): vendor ID is NAT-T RFC 3947 ISAKMP:(0):Input = IKE_MESG_INTERNAL, IKE_PROCESS_MAIN_MODE ISAKMP:(0):Old State = IKE R3#_I_MM2 New State = IKE_I_MM2 ISAKMP (0:0): constructing CERT_REQ for issuer cn=R2,ou=CA-OF-THE-WORLD,o=INE,st=NV,c=US ISAKMP:(0): sending packet to my_port 500 peer_port 500 (I) MM_SA_SETUP ISAKMP:(0):Sending an IKE IPv4 Packet. ISAKMP:(0):Input = IKE_MESG_INTERNAL, IKE_PROCESS_COMPLETE ISAKMP:(0):Old State = IKE_I_MM2 New State = IKE_I_MM3 ISAKMP (0:0): received packet from dport 500 sport 500 Global (I) MM_SA_SETUP ISAKMP:(0):Input = IKE_MESG_FROM_PEER, IKE_MM_EXCH ISAKMP:(0):Old State = IKE_I_MM3 New State = IKE_I_MM4 ISAKMP:(0): processing KE payload. message ID = 0 ISAKMP:(0): processing NONCE payload. message ID = 0 ISAKMP:(1008): processing CERT_REQ payload. message ID = 0 ISAKMP:(1008): peer wants a CT_X509_SIGNATURE cert ISAKMP:(1008): peer wants cert issued by cn=R2,ou=CA-OF-THE-WORLD,o=INE,st=NV,c=US Choosing trustpoint R2 as issuer ISAKMP:(1008): processing vendor id payload ISAKMP:(1008): vendor ID is Unity ISAKMP:(1008): pr R3#ocessing vendor id payload ISAKMP:(1008): vendor ID is DPD ISAKMP:(1008): processing vendor id payload ISAKMP:(1008): speaking to another IOS box! ISAKMP:received payload type 20 ISAKMP:received payload type 20 ISAKMP:(1008):Input = IKE_MESG_INTERNAL, IKE_PROCESS_MAIN_MODE ISAKMP:(1008):Old State = IKE_I_MM4 New State = IKE_I_MM4 ISAKMP:(1008):Send initial contact ISAKMP:(1008):SA is doing RSA signature authentication using id type ID_IPV4_ADDR ISAKMP (0:1008): ID payload next-payload : 6 type : 1 address : protocol : 17 port : 500 length : 12 ISAKMP:(1008):Total payload length: 12 ISAKMP (0:1008): constructing CERT payload for serialNumber=XXXXXXXXXXX+ipaddress=,cn=R3,ou=ccie,o=ine,st=NV,c=US ISAKMP:(1008): using the R2 trustpoint's keypair to sign ISAKMP:(1008): sending packet to my_port 500 peer_port 500 (I) MM_KEY_EXCH ISAKMP:(1008):Sending an IKE IPv4 Packet. ISAKMP:( R3#1008):Input = IKE_MESG_INTERNAL, IKE_PROCESS_COMPLETE ISAKMP:(1008):Old State = IKE_I_MM4 New State = IKE_I_MM5 ISAKMP (0:1008): received packet from dport 500 sport 500 Global (I) MM_KEY_EXCH ISAKMP:(1008): processing ID payload. message ID = 0 ISAKMP (0:1008): ID payload next-payload : 6 type : 1 address : protocol : 17 port : 500 length : 12 ISAKMP:(0):: peer matches *none* of the profiles ISAKMP:(1008): processing CERT payload. message ID = 0 ISAKMP:(1008): processing a CT_X509_SIGNATURE cert ISAKMP:(1008): peer's pubkey isn't cached %PKI-3-CERTIFICATE_INVALID_UNAUTHORIZED: Certificate chain validation has failed. Unauthorized %CRYPTO-5-IKMP_INVAL_CERT: Certificate received from is bad: certificate invalid ISAKMP:(1008):Input = IKE_MESG_FROM_PEER, IKE_MM_EXCH ISAKMP:(1008):Old State = IKE_I_MM5 New State = IKE_I_MM6 %CRYPTO-6-IKMP_MODE_FAILURE: Processing of Main mode failed with peer a R3#t ISAKMP:(1008): sending packet to my_port 500 peer_port 500 (I) MM_KEY_EXCH ISAKMP:(1008):Sending an IKE IPv4 Packet. ISAKMP:(1008):peer does not do paranoid keepalives. ISAKMP:(1008):deleting SA reason "Phase1 SA policy proposal not accepted" state (I) MM_KEY_EXCH (peer ISAKMP (0:1008): received packet from dport 500 sport 500 Global (I) MM_KEY_EXCH ISAKMP:(1008):Input = IKE_MESG_INTERNAL, IKE_PROCESS_MAIN_MODE ISAKMP:(1008):Old State = IKE_I_MM6 New State = IKE_I_MM6 ISAKMP:(1008):Input = IKE_MESG_INTERNAL, IKE_PROCESS_ERROR ISAKMP:(1008):Old State = IKE_I_MM6 New State = IKE_I_MM5 ISAKMP:(1008):deleting SA reason "Phase1 SA policy proposal not accepted" state (I) MM_KEY_EXCH (peer ISAKMP: Unlocking peer struct 0x66031B38 for isadb_mark_sa_deleted(), count 0 ISAKMP: Deleting peer node by peer_reap for 66031B38 ISAKMP:(1008):deleting node -1424120631 error FALSE reason "IKE deleted" ISAKMP:(1008):Input R3# = IKE_MESG_INTERNAL, IKE_PHASE1_DEL ISAKMP:(1008):Old State = IKE_I_MM5 New State = IKE_DEST_SA IPSEC(key_engine): got a queue event with 1 KMI message(s) ISAKMP (0:1008): received packet from dport 500 sport 500 Global (I) MM_NO_STATE R3#un all All possible debugging has been turned off R3#
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